2019 International SpaceApps Challenge Tartu


International Space Apps Challenge 2019 in Tartu

The University of Tartu – with its Department of Geography, Institute of Computer Science and Tartu Observatory – and the Tartu Science Park invite you and all interested citizens, students, staff and researchers from all disciplines, developers, hackers, designers, and Earth and Space data enthusiasts to the Tartu-hosted hackathon event as part of the 2019 International SpaceApps Challenge. Be part of a global hackathon movement to turn data into stories and propose solutions.

International Space Apps Tartu 2019

This global event will happen on the weekend 18.-20. October 2019. If you are interested in participating, please REGISTER on the homepage and Join us in the world’s largest hackathon:

Register here: https://2019.spaceappschallenge.org/locations/tartu/ (click on “Sign Up”)

Don’t let the name fool you… it’s not just about apps! Tackle a challenge using data visualisation, design, tell a story with satellite images, analyse Earth data, and apply your own specialties! Inspire each other while you learn and create using apps, stories, design and, most of all, let YOUR ideas flourish. Use your creativity, skills and knowledge, team up and solve some problem that is relevant either for you, your country or for the whole world!

This year Earth Observation is the main topic! Space Apps is your chance to experience, experiment, and explore solutions to our universe’s biggest challenges! Use global satellite remote sensing and other global data as an ingredient to solve problems that matter. We are looking forward to a super interesting, exciting fantastic weekend again!

The event is free!

Where: Department of Geography, Vanemuise 46, Tartu, Estonia

Follow us on the Facebook Tartu event page

Please tag all your event-related posts on social media (especially on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) with the #SpaceAppsTartu and #SpaceApps hashtag and you add-tag @ us, too, like @geograafia  @spaceappschallenge and @teaduspark on Facebook, @tartugeo on Instagram  and Twitter with handles and hashtags: Tartu #SpaceAppsTartu @unitartu @teaduspark #SpaceApps @spaceapps.

ESA BIC Estonia at Tartu Science Park provides a free follow-up pre-incubator program for top teams utilizing ESA data sources (e.g. Copernicus data and processing tools: https://bit.ly/2kzND1S ). For more information stay tuned.

On behalf of the organising committee,

Alexander Kmoch and Evelyn Uuemaa

For any inquiries, please don’t hesitate and get in touch: spaceappstartu@ut.ee

Department of GeographyTartu Science ParkTartu ObservatoryInstitute of Computer ScienceESA BICBalticSatAppsEU Interreg Baltic Sea Region  Sticker MuleDatelSilleCGI

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